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No matter how hard we try, life seems difficult at times, like the game of Clash of Clans. But before we win the game and make immortal our clan, it is important for us to earn the gold and elixir and save it for future life.
Now this treasure of elixir in life could be life transforming, if we know the art of asking the right questions like Einstein. Life in that case may seem easy, finding answers to these life transforming queries.
In simple, “Ask and you shall receive.” Therefore, it is highly important that before our life comes to an end, we ask right questions and spend our life in pursuit of finding right answers.
Asking right and relevant questions is not only a powerful way of learning about our own selves but also is a great way to show us the path of our own strength and intelligence. This art of asking questions, is although not new. Indian Yogis and Acharayas, all Philosophers, researchers, scientists and scholars, leaders, writers, artists and teachers have been rigorously involved in asking profound questions since very long. And it is by asking such questions they have got the breakthrough discoveries in their lives.
And thus It is by asking the right questions, we too, can develop our own success system. Although, we all may have same questions, but our answers may differ. And you know why? Because of multiple reasons. Because our priorities, goals, talents, skills and dreams are different. So are our values and principles, making us unique and different and thus we must focus on asking the right questions from our own perspective and angle.
It is pertinent that we learn more by asking the questions and if we could ask the right questions at the onset, we could really head in the right direction sooner than later.
And therefore, here are 17 such questions which you must ask from yourself to transform your life:
- What are your natural gifts and talents?
- What are the things that matter most to you in your life? Why are those things so important to you?
- What exactly are the things which you want to achieve in your life? And why? Are those things in alignment with your natural gifts and talents?
- What are your core values and principles? What are your key strengths? What are the areas where you need to work on?
- How do you set your goals in each broader area of your life (personal/professional/health/spiritual/financial/family) so that you feel happier and successful?
- What are your exact goal(s) that you would want to achieve at the end of the each day/week/month of your life in each area of your life?
- What are your bigger dreams and vision?
- How accomplishment of those goals and dreams would make a difference in your life?How would you feel after accomplishing those goals?
- Would your goals and dreams be the same, if you know that you have only a month to live?
- Do you know the purpose of your life? Have your goals and dreams been aligned with that purpose?
- What are the obstacles and challenges that are prohibiting you to achieve those goals?
- Are those challenges and obstacles external or are they internal sources of interference in achievement of your goals?
- How could you work on these challenges so that you achieve your goals faster in your life?
- Would you feel wealthier, happier, successful, fulfilling and full of love after achieving your goals and dreams?
- Are you working on your own dreams or are you chasing the borrowed dreams of some others in your life?
- What are all those habits, skills, strategies that you need to work on so that you achieve your set goals?
- Would your dream make a difference to your life? Would it make a difference to life of others as well? How?
Now don’t sit. Take your writing pad. Read each question slowly. Write your answer gradually. You may not come with the answer at one go. Let your mind wander and think.
Ask your deeper self and steadily the mystery will unveil. You would know, why you are the way you are. Love yourself when you know. Remember, your goals may change with the passage of time and according to phases of your life and you must know that it is perfectly fine.
Don’t try to answer all the questions at one go. Take time. Probe and interrogate yourself profoundly. Because some of your answers may be life transforming.
And now when someone meets you and asks you certain questions know that “Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers,” as says Tony Robbins.
So, don’t wait for too long, ask what are your life transforming questions after all? And yes, don’t forget to share your questions here, so that together we could pass it on to others.
Suggested Reading:
For more questions read Book of Questions.
Ma’am, great post and image is also too good.
I also agree with you, first we should determine the root of the problem, which comes into picture by asking the right questions, and then should go for the right answers. Interestingly every problem has a solution only if we have right set of questions.
Nowadays, I have lot many problems to solve but I don’t have right set of questions. But with the help of this post, I feel I can ask the most relevant questions. After reading the post I felt as if you designed all these questions for me. 🙂
You gave me a good mind exercise. Thank you for the exercise.
In my mind there were too many thoughts and I felt that something was missing, but thanks you filled that gap by posting this great exercise that I exactly wanted.
Many thanks Abhijeet!
In the examination, the teachers ask questions to check the knowledge of the students and in the same manner if we want to clear the examination of our life, we must set our own question papers and then try to attempt their answers to soar high.
Once we ask the questions and try to find their answers, suddenly we realize that there were so many things which we did not know about our own selves and it is through questioning we dig dipper into our inner selves.
The beauty of these questions is that they look so familiar and friendly to everyone but their answers differ to everyone. I am extremely happy to know that you found the important questions of your life. And believe me, if you could search your answers, your life would be full of incredible surprises.
So, keep asking and keep exploring.
Best wishes and blessings always 🙂
I’ll not write too much here, but i really know that i WAS here on this planet to serve NATURE AND HUMANITY…
A time comes when we all feel the same , but most of us skip these thoughts naming them as “bullshit”
They give us a cooked up definition of “being practical”….
Frnz try to live for others you will feel the difference in your inner being!
That’s all di..
loved this blog!
Thank you.
Many thanks Devanshu!
If only all of us could remember this and find out the best possible way in which we could help others and serve society, the world indeed would become an amazing place to live.
And yes, it is not important to do something big always but we must know that little gesture with sincere efforts could make a big difference also.
So keep up your spirits high and stay blessed always 🙂
Some eight years ago I wrote these questions, answers of which I thought I must know….
Who am I? What is life? How it originates? Why there is life?
How this universe came into existence? What’s the purpose of its existence?
These questions led me to voyage of knowledge, discovery and intellectual bliss.
Ma’am your questions have made me introspect myself and to continue my journey with better understanding of self.
Thank you very much for this post. 🙂
Dear Shatrughna,
I am so happy to know that you started exploring these questions some eight years ago and I am sure that it is because of these questions you are the person whom we admire and so much know.
You are on the path of your self discovery and self actualization and you have much to contribute to society and humanity in times to come that I know.
Keep up your high values and morals.
My blessings and best wishes are always with you for all your future endevours.