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Fortunately we all have been gifted with 24 hours in a day and unfortunately we all wish for the day to have 48 hours in it so that we feel more productive and fulfilled at the end of our long day.
Now imagine this wish to be granted to us.
Lo! Nothing will change.
We will still be overwhelmed with the deluge of tasks at our hands and will keep on pushing our tasks till the end moment, procrastination will be our favorite gesture, as always, and we will continue our indulgence in the habit of self sabotage.
You know why?
Because we all have already too much into our platters, we can’t say no to others and we don’t understand that being busy is not synonymous with being productive.
So, what should we do to be more productive?
Answer is simple.
So, here are the ways or habits on which we could work together to improve our productivity and get more things done so that we can have enough time to spend with our family, to pursue our passions and to do the things, which we must do to make our lives richer, healthier, happier and full of abundance.
1. Following 3 P’s: Prioritization, Planning and Preparation. These 3 P’s are indeed great keys. If we prioritize our tasks, plan our day and do some preparation well in advance, we can really double our productivity.
Most of the productive people follow these 3 P’s and they prioritize, plan and prepare for their most important tasks on their calender in weeks, months and a year in advance. By following these, they put all the big blocks of the most important tasks beforehand so that they get committed to do the most important tasks at utmost priority and do not get exhausted before time. They make sure to have enough time for each work and leave scope for urgent tasks to fit in between.
2. Getting up Early. I know most of us are night owls these days and not the early larks like our parents used to be, but if we can just start up our day by getting up half an hour early form our regular time, we could really make our day more productive and manage our time efficiently in many ways. Once, we analyse the benefits of this habits, we can increase the time and can get up an hour early before our daily time.
Watching the early rising sun, listening to chirping of birds, enjoying piping hot tea with our family members and be one and present in such moments. Aren’t these one of the most blessed things on the earth? And then why should we miss such amazing moments?
So without delay, we must start from today following the great advice by Benjamin Franklin: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Do we still need any other advice?
3. Charging our Batteries. Charging our physical and mental batteries are the most important rituals that we must do every morning. We can charge our batteries in any of the following ways in the morning:
- 15 minutes of brisk walk.
- 15 minutes workout in a gym.
- 15 minutes of running.
- 15 minutes of exercise.
- 15 minutes of Yoga or Pranayam.
- 15 minutes of Meditation.
Any of these physical exercises and breathing techniques will make us more energetic, alert and proactive for the rest of the day. We can always increase or decrease the time as per our schedule. Important is to follow any of these rituals. We must make sure to engage in any one of the following practices and must make it a regular part of our daily routine to be more efficient and productive in achieving our daily goals.
For charging our mental and spiritual batteries we must make sure to read some good literature either early in the morning or at any specific point of the day. We could also listen to audio books or podcasts while commuting to our office or work place everyday. Listening to these inspiring tasks will set the positive and enthusiastic momentum for us for the productive day to begin.
4. Fueling our body tanks. The fuel is important for our body with its quality and quantity both. Healthy and not heavy breakfast in the morning provides good energy to focus and complete the most important tasks at the beginning of the day. Balanced diet at lunch and evening snacks with family and light dinner at night will not only keep our body fit but will also allows us to feel more energetic and active throughout the day. Fortunately we all have access to this knowledge. But important is that we must implement all this knowledge in our daily diet planning and schedule.
I was very bad at meals management, now I am focusing on this habit of mine to get good benefits.
5. Eating the Biggest Frog in the Morning first. Beat procrastination everyday and do the most important task which you avoid doing most of the time. Remember the Pareto Principle of 80/20 rule. According to this principle, doing 20% of the imporatnt task can enhance our results multiple times. We must force ourselves to do the 20% of the most important tasks, so that we achieve 80% of the results. Unfortunately most of us spend most of our time on completing the 80% of the tasks and procrastinating the most fruitful 20% of the tasks.
6. Beating the distraction dragon. No matter how hard we try each day to be focused, there comes up one thing or the other as an urgent task that we have to deal with. In such case we must have enough time to deal with the urgent work at the priority without losing focus of our important task at hand. Once we complete the urgent task, we should channelize our energy at important task again. There may be lot many distractions which come up, but we must know our day’s goal, so that we can resume our lost path soon.
7. Taking short breaks. We all have the working patters and as individuals me must know which are our most productive hours and when we need to take the shorter breaks. After working for an hour or two we can take a break and recharge ourselves and focus again on work at hand.
Having short breaks to regain our energy and getting associated with the like minded people allow us to stay focused on the tasks of great importance and high priorities.
Studies have shown if we take a siesta or a cat nap at some specific time of the day, it enhances our creativity and productivity. It makes us more energetic and we feel more focused at our work once again.
Besides following these habits there is something else also that needs to be done.
Since we all have become like smart phones these days. With lots of smart features installed into us as a result we all need more battery backup and need to charge ourselves often. So, what do we do?
But how?
We often try to be superman or superwoman, and aim at completing many tasks at hand. Result. We are less productive and get more exhausted at the end of the day. So, what do we do?
Wishing you all a great productive day!
Suggest what strategies and habits you follow to make your day a highly productive day?
Suggested Readings:
Getting Things Done by James Allen
Anyone who reads this blog post will and definitely 😉 will try his/her level best to do the implementations of these good habits in their daily life…
Early rising is indeed a very good habit and it actually provides us sufficient time to complete our tasks on time and plan for the new one… “NEVER LET THE SUN RISE BEFORE YOU WAKE UP”
I am an early riser 🙂
Thanks sis…
Thanks for sharing these commonly known facts in such a motivating style…
Thanks Devanshu for being a proactive reader always!
You are right that most of the points are already known to us but the hardest part is the implementation part. I have written the post with the aim so that I too could work on all these habits consistently and be more productive and focused in what I do.
Early riser you are and many congrats to you. I could already visualize you completing most of your important tasks before 9 and 10 and enjoying rest of the day. This habit is one of the best habits which has manifold benefits. I wish myself too, to become an early lark soon. Keep working on your good habits and enjoy their great benefits!
And that’s why i hv mentioned in my comments:–Your writing skill and style of your posts are only the reaosn why everyone will try their best in practicing these thoughts in real life.. 🙂
Many thanks again Devanshu for your encouragement and unflinching support that you always provide. Your consistent inquisitiveness for the next blog post always keeps me on my writing toes.
So, keep reading, keep connecting and keep asking always.
Blessings and best wishes!
I must follow this. This is really good very hard to manage our time. Thanks Pratibha to share this blog to everyone.
Hey….. Many thanks Swati dear for appreciating the efforts and liking the post.
Time Management is indeed one of the biggest challenges that we face in our day today life, but if we could just take care of the most important tasks and prioritize our work, we can indeed win the battle.
After all, we just need to understand what Seneca said, “It is not that we have a short space of time, but that we waste much of it.”
Keep connected and stay blessed always 🙂
What is it all about?
How do we get better and confident? By doing things we’ve been scared(shy) of doing; should we just do them? Or let time take charge and as has happened before with many a noble men, things that seem significant today lose their relevance later and some other important things come up.
I’ve always had this ugly feeling of missing out on the things that I could, and should have done; that inner barrier jumps right in front when I try to foray into those things of value to me, although I feel I’m getting better at some of those.
I want to be more expressive sometimes, but just curb myself; only to look back and think of myself as a fool.
I know relatively (not completely) well what needs to be done in the immediate future
to be contented and happy, but have started to overlook my priorities of late.
Ma’am, do you have any suggestions; or I’ll deal with my transient issues:)
Thanks for this blogging facility, but not too thankful because I like to be with a person than to simply express through writing:)
Dear Rubal, all your questions have already ingrained answers in them.
Do I still need to advice you on something more?
Yes, we do become better and confident by doing the things that we are afraid to do.
Yes, you are right that the things that seem significant today lose their relevance later and some other things come up in the priority list and that we must all understand and must consider. Aren’t these the true beauty of life in real?
Yes, everyday you are getting better at those things which are of value to you in your life. Aren’t you already walking on the path of your own progress?
You are already expressive, just do not curb yourself, look ahead and think of yourself as a great man of intelligence and wisdom.
When you know what needs to be done, why are you overlooking at your priorities then? Is there someone from outside who is stopping you to take action? Or someone from your own inside?
Rubal, do you still need any suggestions to deal with your transient issues? If yes, then take the next step and be with the person and express yourself. Although, if you can’t write exactly what you know and don’t know, then studies say that you need to work on your knows to express them clearly. I am happy that you can write at least what all you know.
So be patient and work on yourself with utter dedication and focus because out of the chaos comes the order and out of the darkness comes the ray of hope which transforms our life, way beyond our own imagination.
Wishes and blessings with you always:)
Superb read mam 🙂
Who understands better than me of the platter part,I have tried it and I was confused and busy of no use.
Moving on I have joined the 5am club from last couple of months and to be frank this is the best thing I have done in my life.My productivity has been raised and I have got lot of benefits by waking early.
You have hit the bulls eye by pointing out the difference between excess work and productive work mam.
Thanks mam for sharing the tools of productivity in our life and I would end by one of my fav quote by Maya angelou
“There is no greater agony than bearing the untold story inside you ” .
Hey many thanks Mohit!
We all are just like the cogs in the machine of life, running from morning till dawn and just like the cocky frog, we are on and on and on. Results: no productivity, more work, more stress and less gain.
To be very honest Mohit, I too have had the privilege of having too much in my platter, which I was neither able to pass on to others, nor was able to enjoy it all by myself. Results: my health loss and disconnect with my inner self.
I am happy to know that you joined the 5am club and this gives me assurance of your morning productive hours. There are lot many added benefits, which I am sure you are greatly enjoying by now. This is indeed one of the best things that you did.
I have missed the bull’s eye many times before but I am happy that I hit it this time.
The quote by Maya is absolutely true, we all have untold stories inside us but before going to our death beds, we must make sure to give them a voice at least!
Thanks for being connected and becoming an inspiring member of our this group.
Best wishes and blessings to you always 🙂
I’ll work on them and thanks a lot for these beautiful words
Thank you
Welcome dear Rubal!
I have suffered from Ostrich syndrome for quite sometime. But now I am gradually learning the art of taking the bull by its horn. I wish the same for you.
Your words were beautiful and so did my reply reflect beauty in it.
Thanks for writing beautiful queries. Keep sharing your stories and be connected always.
Blessings and best wishes!