The term ‘Modernization’ could mean something to you and something to me, but here comes a poem on ‘Modernization’ by my writing mentor Prof PV Dhamija, and see what it means to him.
He is a creative genius and for me a living writer whom I got the privileged opportunity to see, meet and learn the nuances of reading and writing.
By sharing his literary composition, I am sure that the spark of inquisitive and creative mode will be turned on in you, like it was in me.
And here goes his composition on Modernization like this…
The bandwagon goes up and down.
Men and women rust onto it.
Some fall off, some make it.
Look at the dreadful scramble
For the latest in
Gadgets, garments, games.
Nations vie to excel
In trinkets, trappings,
Travel in air, in space.
They shed their loads
Of past modes and mores
Of hamstring ethics and and idealism,
To leave others behind
In their frantic rush
Into the feverish future.
This Poem was published in a collection of poems The Pagan, in 1994.
Now the questions are these: do you think that we are heading into a future which is ‘feverish’? If Yes. How? And Why?
बिल्कुल .. हमारी सोच की अवधारणा कमजोर हो रही है|
हमारे विचार अायातित हो रहे हैं|
कारण : मौलिकता का अभाव |
I have read somewhere that there was a time when- बाहर के कीचड़ से सने जूते रसोई तक नहीं लाए जाते थे , लेकिन अब ऐसा नहीं होता| Now we use the same shoe in the रसोई (kitchen) that we use outsides.
Well said Devanshu!
Modernization is inevitable just like change. But important is what we take along and what we leave. Where we head and what we achieve. What we become and what we deceive.
अाधुनिकीकरण की इस अंधी दौड़ में मनुष्य ना केवल नैतिक्ता को ताख पर रखे हुए है,
वह अपनी संसकृिति से मुंह फेरे भौतिक सुख की दौड़ में अगृसर है|
अाधुनिकीकरण अाज के जन-जीवन के लिये अत्यन्त महत्वपूृण विषय है अौर अगर हम अपनी उदारता का अचित पृयोग करते हुए संसकिृति को भी महत्व देते हैं तो There exists no power in the universe that can stop us from being called a ‘Developed nation’ 🙂
I wish there could have been an option of like on the blog posts as well. Well written comment and straight forward in its content.
Values, ethics, cultural norms and principles seem to be lagging behind in the rat race of likes and material possessions of today. But what should we do? Should be stop progressing? Or if we progress, what should be the course and road for future success?
Time to think, analyse and reflect!