On Eid

Writing this post was a challenge. I was unable to express the inevitable. I scribbled words on 10th and 11th, until I got final commandment to write today.

I am not my body. I am not my mind. Understood this. Living and experiencing this.

Yet, I am this body and mind, through which I am experiencing this life and knowing the truth. Understood this. Living this.


The subtle struggle.

Felt choked, when Ego and Desire stood too strong in my front. Unable to tame them, knowing the ultimate though, that ‘I am sat-chit-anand’, I felt vulnerable.

They entangled me this time. Not for the first time. Earlier too they have shown their massiveness and power on many occasions. Too subtle they are, however, this time. I could see them. Feel them. Experience them. Yet, feel weak to deal with them. They are under the garb of goodness this time. A gimmick it is. I could understand this now.

Desires that my prayers must be answered. The way I think and feel, says the ego. My family and friends must be fine. Let the world deal with the problems.

In the quest to know my desires and ego, I walked inside my own mind and heart. Looked as if I am in the labyrinth. In the laboratory inside, I did some experiments, searching for the answers.

In reading the words then, answers flashed.

“Sacrifice.” And “Surrender.”

Eid-al-adha reminds us of the sacrifice. When Abraham was asked to make offering of his beloved son, he did not deter from his decision. He was ready to offer Ishmael, his son, at the alter when he completely surrendered his will at the feet of Allah. His faith was deepened when instead of his son, a sheep was replaced at the alter.

Our faith is tested. Our prayers are answered. When we sacrifice. When we surrender.

We all are interconnected to each other. We all have met with each other in previous births.

In the different births that we have taken, we have been in varied roles of being a mother, father, brother, sister, guide, mentor, friend, neighbor and all the other roles that are possible. Our roles keep on changing. Give and take continues until we are liberated. Nirvana is attained.

To realise this eternal, it is important to understand and experience the mortal and ephemeral.


Through living. Learning. Giving. Loving. Forgiving. Experiencing. Knowing.

These sharpen our intuitiveness. This intuition takes us beyond our mind and body where we meet the ultimate.

May this Eid, we sacrifice all our desires and surrender our ego at his alter.

Let’s greet and meet. Let’s celebrate this festive.

Eid Mubarak.


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