Whirling of the fan was prominent in his room. It was still pitch dark. No sound and movement was fathomable at this moment. He was awake though.
Aum checked his phone. Grappled with few photos of people and places in his gallery. With earpods on, tried to browse through some videos of his favorite shows and people whom he follwed and admired, ensuring that Chiatanya and Girija were not disturbed. Tossed and turned in his bed for sometime. Remembered his mom again. Pain was too deep to explain and express sometimes for him.
It’s been months now. He always felt her by his side. He would talk to her and discuss whatever he wanted for hours and hours when no one would sneak into his room. Her belongings, he kept very secretly.
He felt lonely without her presence, yet, he would find solace in talking to her, reading her diaries and then writing in his own. He would sketch for hours and hours and then would slip inside his quilt quietly to reflect and then sleep for hours.
Contemplation was something, he would do, now often, on how things took place in his life. Love for music gave him peace. Compositions made him feel alive and food in the kitchen gave him his life.
A new day, like everyday, it was. It was upto him to experience it the way he wanted. Newness was something he was trying to understand and explore that brought meaning to him. With a new zeal he got up today. Decided to visit his Master.
While getting ready…he felt an urge to write…he smiled and then just scribbled…
“A New Me is Ready Today.”
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