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They seem unavoidable and inevitable.
How to deal with them, be they in office or in domestic settings, they seem to be omnipresent?
They taste bad and no one likes them. But still how do we taste them and deal with them?
Shall we allow them to weaken our strength and bonding and take a corner seat in such situations? Or shall we try to avoid them and let them take their own course and see how things move and progress? Or shall we try to solve them like any other problem solving case?
We could select any one the above, since the choice is always ours.
In the first two cases, all we have to do is to move on. But in the third case, all we could do is distance ourselves, look at the conflict and situation as a detached observer and see how best we could solve them by our critical thinking and problem solving skills.
We can consider, in fact, these conflict situations as beautiful opportunities to test our own love, passion and commitment for our family and organisation and use them for developing our perspective and understanding of people so that we can face situations and handle them better and can also learn from them.
By simply being aware of our thoughts in such situations and checking them on regular basis and by setting our right intentions, we can really make a big difference. I know it is easier said than done. But to see the results, we have to first use and then follow the steps. We need to understand that any such situation can be converted into something which could be a win-win situation for us. Let’s try.
If your boss enjoys sycophants and u can’t do it , then how can u create win win
You know about you boss and his nature, that’s really good, now all you need to do is try being honest in giving your compliments and sharing your thoughts with him, without loosing your temper.
We cannot change people, all we could do is change our view and perspective towards them. So, do what you think is right, let him do what he does. It is win-win for you both.
Great post Mam
Rightly said, yes, conflicts are hard time.
They only seem unavoidable and inevitable.
But with the right Perception they are actually the important testing moments. Moments testing our commitment towards anything and anybody.
These are important because when they are being solved by us, they give more joy and confidence to us than the second persons.
They can make every bond stronger.
Pass and fail can not be judged without the test.
That’s why conflicts are important part of life.
So we should take them as opportunity to make something big and better out of it.
Wonderfully understood and explained Prashant. So, instead of running from them and avoiding them, let’s face them and confront them and listen to message that they have brough along, which will be revealed to us, only when we decode them:)
I see conflicts everywhere mam in my the tussle between heart and mind.I relate conflict to decision making as we always have two sides of a coin.
Being aware or being in present moment allows us to take choices be it right or wrong.
For me ..if my inner conflict is allowing me to take right decisions at right moment..I welcome them.
I have presented my perspective ..maybe it is wrong.
You are right Mohit.
Any conflict demands taking a decision on our part. When we are calm, present and aware in the moment, we can listen to the deep intuitive voice inside us, which has answer to almost all our questions. All we need to do is take the action and then end the internal conflict there.
Your perspective is wonderful and it has nothing to do with right or wrong:)
Once again very nice post ma’am…
Thanks Vijay.
God bless you. Happy to know that these blogs help you in one way or the other.