Credits: Google Images
Doesn’t this frog look huge, massive and ugly, I know, it does. And I am asking you to eat this biggest frog in the morning, any guesses?
Please don’t get me wrong and read why I want you to find your biggest frog first and then eat it at the earliest.
Regarding me, despite being a biology student in grade 12, I couldn’t do the dare devil act of dissecting either a frog or a rat. But I still remember the anatomy of Flower, its labeling of petals, carpel, stigma, style and sepals to a hazy extent. Botany section was all that we girls liked but understanding the hard facts of Zoology was all that we so much disliked.
And today, not only I try to find, catch and dissect the biggest frog first, but also try to eat it in the morning at the earliest. This is like putting first things first in the morning-eating the biggest frog. I know it is difficult, disgusting and terrifying, but this what I love striving everyday. Eating biggest frog makes me feel happier, productive and much better. You can also try this out-eating the biggest frog in the morning!
Okay, so before eating this biggest frog you must know why it is important to eat this frog.
Because this ugly frog stares us for so long that it drains us out of our energy and we are left exhausted and tired, with no stamina to handle the most important tasks at the end of the day says Brian Tracy.
This big frog stands for all the important things that we must do at priority, but keep on procrastinating and neglecting until we become victim of our own time and life. And instead of acting and taking action, we feel like acted upon in our lives.
We all know that nothing in a day could be more satisfying than accomplishing what we must set to achieve at the beginning of the day. But, no matter how perfectly we plan the day well in advance, there come few things propping up, sapping our energy and diverting our mind. I can say all those little frogs hopping and chasing us everywhere we go and stay.
So what do we do? How do we start our day?
Well, there can be many ways to start our day but one could be to start it in the descending order. By this order I mean, thinking of time when we go to our bed and review our major achievements or outputs of the day. By starting in this way we could decide the biggest task and the most important task that will bring us better results and enhance our productivity. In short, identifying the biggest frog.
By eating this ugly frog first we will do the important things first, as a result we will be left with enough time and more energy to deal with the pressure of urgent things, leisure activities, family time and an hour of power for ourselves. I know it may sound easier at the moment but believe me, its execution becomes the toughest challenge. The tsunami of urgent things and unimportant tasks bogs us down everyday and we feel dog-tired and unsatisfied at the end of the day, leaving the ugly frog to stare at us for long times.
But, if we regularly execute this habit, the habit of eating the biggest frog first, we will get best results and will feel more productive and great at the beginning and at the end of our hectic day.
Because in words of Mark Twain, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”
So eat the biggest frog first in the morning and then relax and feel energetic for the rest of the day.
And yes, I can’t leave you here in lurch, so, to know more about the biggest frog, how to find it, catch it and eat it in the morning, read Eat That frog by Brain Tracy.
I had it in my dinner.. ahaa .. tasty.. awesome.. Maza aa gaya..
Next morning, make sure that it is served in your breakfast platter. There you will enjoy it better!
Very true! We all should make this our habit. This will make our life much easier.
Hey thank you so much dearie, it feels great to read your comment.
You are absolutely right, following this single habit can truly make our life better and smarter!So, let’s decide to eat the biggest frog every morning and feel energetic and awesome everyday.
On the same thoughts i read recently “How to eat an elephant? to which the answer is one piece at a time.
So when we plan our long and short goals the elephant can me break into daily frog.
These days I am trying to eat the big elephant’s one piece at a time 🙂
Very well said Mugdha!
Long term goals are indeed like eating an elephant in one go. But this elephant looks so huge and gigantic that most of the times we get sacred and demotivated without even taking the single baby step or a bite.
So, you said it right, divide the elephant into small size bites and eat them as the biggest frog morsel at the sunrise and feel great and accomplished. The only way to achieve any goal is to decide, plan and execute and it is this execution which becomes the early morning frog diet 🙂
Wishing you happy morning frog diet and to myself as well!
love to read ur blog ma’am,
really ur thoughts are highly inspirational.
Thanx from the core of my heart.
Many thanks to you Shiva for reading and appreciating the blog!
I will make sure to present many creative and inspiring thoughts so that they keep us connected and make our lives greater and more fulfilling!
Keep reading and writing and be blessed always !
Hey ma’am(s): Pratibha, Padma, Mughda
God bless you all and may everything you aspire, come true.
And thanks for being our teachers, although for such short time.
Keep working on the things that matter most to you all, and be beautiful and healthy always:)
Many thanks Rubal on behalf of all the teachers (Pratibha, Padma and Mugdha).
May all your dreams come true and may you always enjoy your perfect health and looks!
Be fit as fiddle and keep on solving the life’s beautiful riddles!
Be blessed always 🙂
In starting- that was really horrible.
At d end- It was Delicious.
😛 😛
Great Ravi!
I am happy to know that you have already developed your frog eating taste buds. So Keep up your frog eating habits and enjoy its life health benefits forever.