“Mastery! When would I gain Master? Rudraksh and Dorjee mentioned that it takes years and years.”
“Yes, it does, Pallav.”
“It seems I have been here since ages, yet I seem to have made no progress, nor do I find joy in what I do. Does it take all those years, years after years?”
“Yes, indeed.”
“Tell me what you like about them. Why do you quote them?”
“Because they do anything and everything with great speed and precision. They seem to have done that act and work many a times and it seems that they do it without any effort. It is effortless for them. Just like a cake walk.”
“With me, it is not how it is. It takes efforts. My strength seem to diminish and dwindle when I do these errands here, I feel tired and exhausted.”
“Keep doing. Relax in between. Don’t forget to focus on your breath.”
“Yes, yes I do it Master, but then…how much time would it take me to gain Mastery, Master?”
“Well that depends on you, Pallav.”
“Aum mentioned your grace and intervention could speeden up my learning and path to enlightenment.”
“True, to some extent.”
“Then bless me Master with your sublimity and divine knowledge.”
“That would come automatically, you have to focus on your work and lessons, what has to come would come to you. Just focus on your work, learning’s and lessons.”
“Yes, I will Master. They informed me precision and speed determine the win. They are important in life and they do come with practice.”
“What is practice then?”
“Practice involves doing of an activity or task repetitive over a period of time to gain perfection. Repetition is the key. You have to select and pick any work, activity that you are passionate about. Once you do it over a period of time, then you excel, enjoy and feel exuberance in it.”
“Complete absorption reveals your progress. Focus is what you have to attain. Fulfillment is what you gain. Happiness and bliss are what you experience.”
“How do I select what I need to practice, Master?”
“Well, that you need to decide, something that you want to learn and are passionate about, you love it. Brood over it. Take your time. Your heart shall unveil, your inner voice would direct you and guide you.”
“What do I pick up for today, Master?”
“Well, you could try frying Puris in water today.”
“What Master?”
Laughed loudly the Master walking towards the garden and chased him Pallav with thunderstruck expression.
Loved the gist…we could try frying puris in water.
Absolutely true!
Lots of love dearie!