She gently smiled and then breathed her last. Unexpected it was. Years and months of struggle seemed to have ceased in the moment. Her soul liberated. Chaitanya was holding her hands. Girija sitting by her feet side.
Acceptance of this moment dawned to the family. Completely shaken was Aum. His senses didn’t belive the truth of the moment. He wanted to run to some other place, where he couldn’t find his own people.
His reasoning, analysis, inference and philosophy with practice seemed to have paused in the moment. Questions were streaming. He felt drenched in them. Mind cluttered and eyes bewildered. Nothing felt in sync and coordination.
Expected it was, unexpectedly it happened though. Her words and aura felt palpable in the home in her absence.
The Goddess of the home–Katyayani, everyone’s Inamorata, was now resting in the heavenly abode.
While there was peaceful silence, restlessness was suffocating Aum. Chaitanya called him lovingly and patted on his back. Handed him her personal diary and asked him to read now.
Aum turned the first page and felt, as if she wrote it for each one of them. Her usual caricatures, doodles and scribbles made him felt her liveliness in this moment. A flower of seven petals in an octagonal box with the words…
“know why you are here and where you would go next, would give you direction. Keep finding your ‘why’s and where’s’ with conviction to experience yourself and life, the way you want it and the way it unveils to you.”
Soothed his psyche and balmed his consciousness for the moment.
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