She had played intensely with them. She was of 7 then, with beautiful large eyes and short bob cut hair, wearing pink frock-one of her favorites, matched with plastic bangles and her multi coloured hair band. Until called at home, she would play till late evening- ghar-ghar and posham-pa-bhai-posham-pa.
Today, Katyayani’s eyes were filled with tears. It’s been more than 35 years since she hadn’t met them. Today, they all were in her front. Flabbergasted she felt! Time stopped and took her to her past in just a flash.
It was Aum who had planned this surprise for her. Rukmani was in the kitchen taking care of all the hospitality arrangements and meal serving. Kartavya had ensured everything is available to them. Shruti and Vedant were playing in the garden. Whenever they needed something, they would rush to Girija. Though it was Girija’s B’day. It felt it was of Katyayani. Whatever she loved and liked from upholsteries to curtains, paintings on the wall, decoration and frill colors to cheeze pakodas, cocktails, thandai served, it was taken care. She was happy. It was felt in the air, in every nook and corner of the home. Amidst everything Chaitanya was holding Katyayani in coziness of his love.
She was everyone’s Inamorata today.
At Bramhali under the massive peepal tree they all sat. Dorgee and Sanghaya decided to work on building a local carriage that would transport the goods from cities to Bramhali. Pallav was still learning and understanding the nuances of the place. He was at the Himalayan Retreat Centre and a week ago Master had sent him here. Rudraksh had arranged zoom call with Kartavya and Aum on everyday basis: 6 to 7 in the evening to discuss major progress and working on the prototype.
These people have endured for all these years and connecting them to the main city to facilitate easy living was essential. Local vegetation and river Kaza had supported them. It was time for the celebration of new year and worship of the river Kaza. She was their goddess. For rain and harvest they visited temple and made their offerings. The roses, marigold, lilies and rhododendrons were daily offered to deities and to mother Kaza.
Oodles of machinery they had ordered to build the wagon. Pallav was assigned to bring and trace their reach to Bramhali. It would take time to reach here. These wagons would carry people and connect them to nearby areas. Climbing on the steep mountain had made their muscles very strong, though, travelling to distant places was not possible for them till now also. These four-wheel-low-range wagon would cover larger distance in less time without fuel consumption for they would be hydraulic driven in nature. Their purpose was to connect it to the National Highway Route for regular commutation. Support the regular tread on the most slippery roads in times of heavy rain.
While they all were engrossed in discussing the next phase of wagon building, Bikta brought evening local drink-likuana. A sip of it was rejuvenating and refreshing for them. When asked from Zoyam Ba-91 years old, the most senior in the Bramhali how did he feel looking at the progress made till now–he replied “Life is simple and easy here with mother Kaza-she is our Inamorata.”
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