Koan & Satori

I’ve come Master!


I ‘ve been reading the scriptures all these days since you asked me about those two terms.

That’s really good Pallav!

I tried a lot, but I couldn’t find their meaning or what the Masters want to explain through these. I’m rather more perplexed and feel what I knew that too I had lost control over. I mean, I am trying to understand, but then, I lack some deeper intellectual acumen I feel, as if, there is something that I have been striving to understand but the more I read and try to understand the more confused I feel I’ve become.

Interesting Pallav, isn’t it?

Oh! Is it Master? I didn’t find it interesting, rather intriguing and a bit frustrating also because of the hefty books and references that I had to go through. How do I? It’s been a month and still I am struggling to understand those terms that you asked me to understand, and I have been digging into these scriptures which are written in some cryptic language I feel. Koan and Satori–Ah!

Relax Pallav!

Today, go and wash your reading scripts under the last of water to find their meaning…

What? Rapt and immovable became Pallav.

Master smiled and then walked away ….

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