On Wheels they were all moving one after the other. The inner will to serve with the passage of time has cleansed them to the core.
The train of thoughts was running on various tracks. Vrittis like clothes were changing fast after their dedicated hours of work.
Aum and Rudraksh could peep into their inner selves and do the self observation and analysis faster and clearer, Sanghaya and Dorjee were also able to figure out their weaker links. Silence seemed to have strengthen their inner will.
Now was the time to prepare their favorite meals and then begin the journey to give and serve.
They all decided to shop. Shop for the finest of vegetables and ingredients. Packing boxes and carry bags. Utensils for the their unique innovative meal to be prepared for the needy ones.
While they all were ready to embark on Palace on Wheels, what comprised meal for each one of them differed now. On Meal search and preperation for self and others they all were!
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