My Promise to You All

Mother and child pinky swearing, Japan

Credit: Google Images

Well its not a promise day but I am ready to make a promise today.

My promise is that you will not have to wait for my posts any more, because I am sharing with you my schedule today. I am a believer that what gets schedules gets done. So, I will update my post on every 10th, 20th and 30th of each month (February will be an exception, of course) which I had been thinking to share with you since very long.

There were clouds of doubts which were stopping me to share this. But today I decided that it is high time that I must share my schedule with you and let you know the days on which I will update my posts.

Little did I know where would I reach and what would I do when I started blogging on 4th of February 2015, all I knew was I had to write and that was for you all. I wanted to write, learn, grow, share and connect with you all. Whatever I knew about books, about writing, about things that matter most to me in life, I just wanted to share.

And I did that for one complete year, didn’t I? Now what’s next? For me, it’s time to go to the next level and let you know when and how frequently I would publish my posts every month. I don’t want you to wait, I want you to know when would I come and share my blog update.

When I started writing, I wrote almost in a state of frenzy in the first month of the bloggings and after that I could never attain that count of 13 posts in a month. There were reasons and excuses for me, now I do not want anything to come and overpower me. I have to write and share no matter what.

So now after a year, just like Anvay has gone to the next class, I too have to go to the next level on my blogging platform and here comes my commitment to you all that I will write on a consistent basis and my presence on this platform will be on three days of the month. I don’t want to over commit and over exhaust myself and I know that three days would be a win-win for both of us.

Fear of failure, fear of success, what others would think of me, whether what I write will make sense or not or will I be able to impressive or not, does not matter, the goal is to write each post, enjoy its process and express myself completely in that moment.

How long I write, how short I write, on what subject I write that does not matter, what matters is that I must write and you must know that I care for you and fulfil my promises.


  • Devanshu says:

    Kudos! You kept on the words.
    Now, this is the best painkiller for me today..
    We too want you to write something for us,no matter whether it is short or long, life’s experience or a story because the reader (especially of your post) will extract the positivity out of your post & will definitely gain from it..
    Thanks for the effort that you took today..
    Thanks for the painkiller sis..
    Keep on writing !
    3 Cheers to ‘THE LIFE’S BOOK’ Hip hip hurrayyyyyy -3

    • Pratibha says:

      Dear Devanshu, you matter to me that is important. If my words and posts are a constant source of motivation, inspiration and positivity, I will continue to write, no matter what. So, just be assured of my writing now onwards.
      Take good care of yourself. Enjoy your life to the fullest and do the things that matter most to you and make you what you are today.
      Keep riding, keep reading and stay blessed always 🙂

  • rubal says:

    Hello ma’am
    Great to be so clear!
    Keep it up, stick to your schedule and 3 posts is definitely a win-win for all of us

    • Pratibha says:

      Thanks Rubal.
      Clarity is important and I am happy that it turns out to be win-win for all of us.
      I am happy for all, bless you always 🙂

  • Prashant says:

    3 posts in a month are gonna be good enough.
    Fixed dates will keep u accountable to the target posts. I am sure this will make a positive impact in ur writing.
    Sharing schedule makes us better in doing what we actually want to do.
    Now we have a fixed dose of the great posts.
    Best of luck ma’am.

    • Pratibha says:

      Many thanks Prashant dear.
      Accountability is important and it is for this reason I shared the schedule. No more excuses and no more escapism. You must not wait and I must regularly publish the post. Thanks for your best wishes. I really need them. 3 is a good number I must say.

  • Anshul Malik says:

    Suddenly from the love of Saturday n Sunday , 10th,20th,30th seems more enjoyable!

    • Pratibha says:

      Many thanks Anshul dear…finally this post of mine could force you to come and show your on stage blog presence. This means a lot. I am on my way to fulfil my promise of the day. Stay tuned for the latest update.

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