Sharing What Little I Know!

There is too much to write and share today. Sometimes, when you have too much to give and say, you find, you can never express. May be, this is how the words like inexplicable and ineffable are born, out of one’s difficulty to express and sometimes one’s inability to say what must be said.

I have been pondering and reflecting on the beautiful year. The year that brought fulfillment, meaning and purpose in life. Making it deeper. Taking my life on another level.

The year has been full of experiences that shape us and make us what we are today. When I opened my account of this year, I found an immense wealth of experiences gained, lessons learnt and journeys traveled. These journeys have been more of internal in nature. I have been more on a quest to go deep within and see, as if standing in a laboratory of my mind and heart, looking at a plethora of happenings taking inside me on an everyday basis.

Here are few nuggets gained, sharing with you all to add on and connect with each other.

# Quality and quantity both are important in life. Know what is required where and why, when and how.
# It is your life, live it the way you want. Shape it and create it the way you want.
# If the quest is worth and meaningful to you. Go for it.
# Face fears.
# Spend time with yourself. Enjoy solitude.
# Listening is an art. Listening is a gift. Learn and give.
# Accept everyone as they are. Appreciate and relish the difference.
# Struggle shapes you. Don’t resist. Be into it completely.
# Patience is an important lesson. Understanding it is worth.
# Time is ephemeral. Time is eternal. Experience both by being in now.
# Relationships are key to happiness, love and fulfillment in life. Understand them. Experience them. Live them. Be into them.
# Be kind. Be caring. Feel the change within.
# Awakening is a process and a path. Walk on it.
# Enhance abundance in life through gratitude and love. Tap their energies through meditation and prayers.
# Intuition is powerful. Channelize your mind and heart into it.
# There is beauty and peace in surrender. Experience it and then merge with it.
# Soul knows all. Be in tune with that. How? That is the true quest!

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2019. May the year brings beauty, love, joy, peace, meaning and inner fulfillment in your life and those of your near and dear ones!!

With prayers and love


  • Anuj says:

    Dear Pratibha,

    I hope you had great 2018, wishing you all a pleasant ending and have a great 2019. Was little busy in settling down, I missed wonderful blogs and conversation with you.
    Will try to be continuous touch to grab more from you.


    • Pratibha says:

      Thanks very much for writing Anuj Bhaiya

      Guru and Anvay are also sending their New Year Greetings to you and all the other members in the family.

      Stay connected, it always feels great to hear from you and learn from your experiences!

      Wish you amazing 2019!!God bless!!

  • Prashant Kulshreshtha says:


    All the nuggets are complete pack of wisdom in itself. Beautifully written. I wish you a great year ahead.
    Will wait for more wisdom packs 🙂

    Thank you again

    • Pratibha says:


      I listened to your poetry on YouTube. It’s inspiring and message oriented. Keep up your creative zeal.

      I wish you great success in 2019. Thanks for connecting dear. God bless!

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