In the zone of silence, words become too loud sometimes.
Yet, the only way to get going is to start at some point. The only way to reach at some point is to keep moving on the chosen path, all the times.
Expressing ourselves through any means is thus equally important to know and experience who we are.
Our experiences are precious and they define and make us who we are. It is obvious to get influenced. Inspiration however does the uplifting work for each one of us. Associating with the like minded people is thus important; at the same time, it is equally important to appreciate the perspective that people bring along when our ideas and perspectives do not match.
On the path then:
Blooming of a flower, chirping of birds, playing with numbers and alphabets, writing the words, talking, reading, cooking, listening, watching, walking, being with beloved ones, all become the routes to our meditative absorption.
It is this state of Shunyata, that each one of us aspires for. Such absorption that everything else evaporates. One remains suspended in that state. This happens and each one of us achieves this, however, there comes a time when turbulence and agitation happens when we are interrupted amidst this absorption.
A slitest of the purturbance and agitation is the sign of the much internal work. And this may happen when we continue walking on our path with patience and perseverance, a lot easier said than done.
Everyday, without exception, I experience the waves of turbulations inside me. With the passage of time, however, the subtle nuances of mind, feelings and emotions I could now understand. Can work with them, I admit.
And thus when I am at peace, the world may seem peaceful to me, when I am not, nor can I see it within. The strong fixation of identities thus must be melted to experience the truth. Truth that is the one.
And when the breakthrough happens, by following the path, revelations lighten the mind. The mind can be experienced in the state of calmness at that point of time. And then ever suspended in the eternal truth of knowing experiencing who am I.
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