Dorjee recently joined an architect to work with. He had to work on building a mansion. The nature of work and difficulty level was much beyond his understanding.
While he was passionate about this work, his dedication and devotion was recognized by his boss and colleagues both. Working on multiple layouts of designs, visit to construction site, talking to clients have all kept him absorbed. He loved what he did, however, the intricacies of the field were tough for him to resolve.
Clients wanted designs, interior, textures in a very specific way. His table was full of information and versions of the project. Exhausted and tired, though with an innerself self of fulfilment he decided to meet his friends and the Master at the Monastery.
On his way, his mind was brimming with new ideas and zeal. He was working on his dream and the kind of job that he always wanted to be absorbed in. He was elated with a deep sense of responsibility mixed with erratic supply of nervousness that gave him sleepless nights over the last few months when he felt the workoverload.
While he was still lost in his thoughts, the cab driver mentioned that the gate to the Himalaya Retreat Centre would just come in few minutes. He thanked and quickly took all his bags and got ready to deboard.
The aura of the place was rejuvenating for him. There was an immediate joy that he felt gushing from deep within. He smiled and entered into the room of the Master first.
Master was eagerly waiting for him. With smile he asked him about his journey. Kadha made of special herbs was being served to Dorjee because he had severe cold and cough.
“Master how do I work on this project without being exhausted?” Inquisitively asked Dorjee.
“Surrender yourself to the field and the ways shall unveil to you. Enjoy every task and job that you undertake, your joy shall pave the way.” Meditatively replied the Master.
“How about the difficulty that I experience?” Quickly asked Dorjee.
“Change your perception.
Absorb yourself completely.”
With ease replied the Master.
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