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This image of Buddha in deep meditation inspires you to awaken ‘the Buddha’ inside you. And this Guest Post will give you 5 reasons why you should awaken the Buddha Inside!
This post is very special to me since it is written by one of my students whom I taught way back in 2005. A decent boy with humility and gratitude in his approach, I never thought and knew about his entrepreneurial side then.
Today, after leaving his high salary job as a Research Analyst at GlobalLogic, he is in pursuit of his dreams. He is now an entrepreneur and visionary in a deeper sense. His name is Mohit Agrawal and with great pride I share with you all his post to read and enjoy its great benefits!
I have started my life as an entrepreneur and I’ve been meditating for over 6 months now.
By meditation, I mean any practice; spiritual routine or training that could be broadly described as ‘meditation’. If you haven’t meditated before, I would mention a couple of reasons so that you start mediation to get benefited in your life at great length.
This is a summary of my belief in meditation and how it has helped me in these six months to change my thought process and life style to a greater extent. I have written it mainly from my entrepreneurial perspective, but I am sure it apples to all life styles in general.
And here are my five reasons that you can consider to start your meditation practice:
1. It’s Just a Great Exercise
I know most entrepreneurs barely get time to exercise. It’s a curse born out of chaotic lifestyles, constantly being committed to the business, and just not being able to prioritize what is good for you.
After a while, the body becomes stiff and bloated, and then getting down to some hard grinding exercise becomes a cruel option. A couple of years later, when you try to tie your shoelaces and feel like dying, you know you have hit the bottom of the fitness well. What to do next, I suggest start meditation!
All the meditation practices that I know of [Art of Living (AOL), Kriya Yoga, etc], have a simple built-in exercise routine in them.
If you find no other reason, then meditate just to keep your body alive.
2. Practicing Patience
One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face is cultivating patience. We live in a world of instant gratification and apply the same rules of ‘instant success’ to ourselves. We revere start-up stories of entrepreneurs who have become overnight success stories and benchmark ourselves against them.
I truly believe in Malcolm Gladwell’s theory of “Taking 10,000 hours to become good at something” (central theme of his book ‘Outliers’).
Now, patience is not easy to cultivate.
If I tell you to sit and stare at the door everyday for 20 minutes, you will break down the door, go insane or come to my house and break down my door!
I would rather suggest that you learn to meditate to develop patience.
Immediately the focus changes to observing your thoughts, your breath and other such techniques, and the process isn’t boring! It’s in fact great fun and challenging!
Now, imagine sitting patiently on a public ground, on a sunny evening with your eyes closed, without anything to think of, or to do…
3. Understanding Cause and Effect, aka Karma
Very clearly, if you meditate regularly and with utmost dedication, you begin to appreciate ‘cause and effect’.
For instance, I have begun to notice that my intuitive ability has increased significantly over the past few months, which I believe is the result of my meditation practices.
This intuition is really helping me in my start-up. I can ‘sense’ things – what are affecting me and people around me, etc more acutely than other people. I would say that is a direct, measurable benefit of meditation.
But I also now seem to understand subtler reasons of ‘why’, and not just ‘how’ and ‘what’.
No one understands the laws of Karma better than a start-up entrepreneur.
4. Accepting Change
Nothing is tougher than change.
It’s very nice to read bumper stickers that say ‘Change is the only thing which is constant’ and the other blah blah blah… But reality is that this Change SUCKS.
In many ways, meditation can help deal with Change.
To explain it simpler, the practice of meditation, its effects, its highs and benefits only increase with time.
5. Embracing Purpose
A year ago I had been placed in a top MNC and everybody was happy but deep inside me I knew something was missing.
Currently I am pursuing my purpose of life which is to help someone in any form of life. Somehow I believe that this meditation has connected me deeply to my inner self and I could see my confidence and decision making growing day by day.
I do believe in the words of Wayne W. Dyer that “When you are able to shift your inner awareness to how you can serve others, and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity.”
And I am sure by connecting to your inner-self through the power of mediation, you will find a deeper meaning and may find the true purpose in your life soon.
So don’t delay, just start your mediation practice from today. Even for a minute or two and you will see a greater changes in your life in days to come!
Suggested Readings: