Welcome 2017!


In this new year, I welcome you all to this blogging platform.

Wish you all a very happy, prosperous and fulfilling 2017. I wish and pray that may 2017 turns out to be the best year ever for you.  

As promised, I would try my level best to ensure that I publish my posts before 7 AM this year.

This new practice and resolution would require more planning, preparation and focus on my part and I am ready to work on all of these.

You can say that by choosing to write at this time, I have already taken up a challenging assignment for this year. But let me ask you, haven’t we always enjoyed challenges and tested ourselves? So how can I miss this flavour this year?

Now, since the first quarter of the Year has already begun, it is important that we all revise our set goals, do planning and preparation and then focus on our goals to attain them.

So here are certain suggestions from my side to set goals and do their panning and preparation:

  • Decide a goal.

Studies reveal that you should have minimum of three goals so that you can focus on them. Too many goals might strain you and drain your energies. So depending on the nature of your goal, its duration of achievement, you can plan them. You already know short term goals and long term goals.

  • Write your goal.

Write SMART Goals. Your already know these but let us revise one more time. Be Specific; Set Measurable Goal;  A goal which you can achieve; Be realistic in goal setting; Ensure your goal is time bound.

  • Ask why you want to achieve that goal?

Know all the reasons behind setting this goal.  Why this goal is important to you? If you do not achieve this, will there be some thing at stake?  What will be its immediate or long term impact?

  • How that goal would benefit you in your personal, academic, professional, or spiritual life?
  • What all steps, resources you would need to achieve that goal.
  • Get clarity on each step. The clearer you know the answers, the better you would perform in reaching towards your goals.

Here is My first goal for 2017.

I will meditate 5 days in a week for minimum of 3 minutes . The time of meditation will be in morning to gain maximum advantage.

How is this a SMART Goal? 

I am specific about meditation. My goal is measurable in terms of 3 minutes. It is achievable. Had I written it for 30 minutes or one hour, I know I wouldn’t have been able to achieve it. It is realistic because I know I can devote this much time. It is also time bound.

Why this goal? 

My mentor and friend have been continuously recommending me to benefit from practice of Meditation. I have also personally felt its advantage. So this year, instead of doing it in fits and starts, I decided to do it regularly and learn its various techniques and methods to have inner peace and channelise my energies.

 What is my planning?

I think in planning phase I look at ABC.  Attitude, Basics and Clarity.

A– Setting my right mental attitude towards my goal. I know I can do it and will give no excuses to self and to others.

B-Basics include knowing and understanding the terms related to meditation and understand its basics.

C-Clarity of purpose and how I would attain this goal.

What is my preparation? 

I have identified a place in my home, where I would sit and find silence to focus on meditation. This place needs some finishing and polishing so that it provides right set up for my practice.

I have my mentors who would guide me and teach me. Their feedback and comments I would sincerely seek.

I have some available literature in the field of meditation and as per the recommendation of my mentors, I would read and bring in more material.

I have decided the timing. I would also keep margins to be flexible so that I do not get frustrated if I am not able to follow my schedule.

How will I focus on this Goal?

I have set only one goal for this quarter of the Year. This will allow me to have only one thing, meditation,  in my priority list and my mind would not be confused.

I am ready with my goal for 2017 with little planning and preparations. I know there will be failures and challenges, but believe me, I love them more than success for their lessons are deeper, meaningful and last longer.

Wish me good luck!

I am with you. Let me know how can I help you?

With love, prayers and gratitude


1 Comment

  • Prashant says:

    Very thank u mam for the welcome.
    Happy new year to all the members of this family.
    Realistically explained how to set goals and achieve them.
    I will also follow this methodology.
    Good luck for ur goal.
    I know u will achieve it and find the deeper meaning of everything in real and spiritual world.
    I will surely let you know when I need ur help.
    And please let me know whenever and however I can help u.

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