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Communication with others is easier but communication with self is the hardest. With others, it takes initiative, but with self it requires our inner strength and courage.
And today I am going to share with you one such communication.
Communication with self.
I am sharing with you how hard I struggled to write this post of today. It was unlike my earlier posts when I had felt Writing Muse being kind and happy with me and guiding me through the deluge of thoughts. It was unlike my earlier posts when I had always felt myself being the controller of my mind and thoughts . It was unlike my earlier posts when I had felt my creativity friend being sitting by my side and helping me to write playfully what all I had wanted to write.
But today was a different day. No matter how hard I tried to focus on the topic at hand, I was unable to pour my heart and soul into it. I felt my creativity being kidnapped and kept on hostage. I felt my ideas being arrested and jailed. What all I could do was watch my own tameless mind wandering from one point to another, and not allowing me to focus and concentrate on the single point on which I wanted to work and write so much.
I felt my WILL being chained and dragged in multiple directions. Sometimes, I even enjoyed its nomadic paths, while other times I felt frustrated and anguished. I failed miserably to work and produce the content for the post.
I saw myself stuck up in the bottle neck thoughts and the huge traffic snarl up. I got impatient. I felt frustrated and disappointed to look at the chaos and traffic of all thoughts around. And then, trying to force myself against all the wandering thoughts, I decided to concentrate on my writing of today. And then I felt:
Is this how people feel when they face the writer’s block? Is this what happens when people are not able to write despite their consistent efforts? Is this the reason why mastering of one’s mind is so important to get the desired results? Is this the reason why Lord Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita to discipline one’s mind with the practice of regular meditation? And is this the reason why we all must engage in knowing thy inner self more than trying to know others ? I think that answers are obvious.
I realized It takes time to clear the traffic and move ahead. I did the same. I waited for the other vehicle of thoughts to pass by and then moved forward with this post at hand.
I shifted my focus from my wandering mind to my purpose in this post. I analysed that I was not my mind at that time. I focused on the task at hand. I focused on you, waiting for my this post to come. I focused on my message. I focused on my discipline. I focused on the moment.
I then felt free. I allowed my mind to roam. Soon after it came to my rescue. I wrote word by word and moved bird by bird. For this I found to be the will of God.
I found my purpose. My purpose is to share with you one message through each post. My purpose today is to convey to you that spend time with your own self and engage in meaningful communication. And in the process know thy self and explore thy inner-self.
In this running of everyday affairs, we get so busy that we forget to communicate and spend some time with our inner selves.
And thus my messages to you in this post are simply these:
- This weekend, promise to spend some quality and quantity time with your own self and retreat with your inner self.
- Take out time to read your own thoughts, anxieties and fears. Spend some time to see your own flaws, vices and follies. Take out time to listen to your long latent projects, dreams and purposes and spend some time by writing your own story and plot of success forward.
- Observe how when we communicate with self, we understand ourselves better and this helps us to understand others better. This allows us to connect deeply with our own selves and all around us. Our communication with self improves relationship with others.
- When we interact, observe, analyse and reflect, these allow us to inspect the inner areas of our life which need work and renovation. Once we know the areas. We must start our inner work.
- This communication will help us to reveal that our inner self is the richest source of eternal peace and happiness.
- This communication will help us to see the inner richness and abundance in our life which we often chase in outer world.
Because as Adi Shankaracharya in his commentary on Bhagavad Gita says, “Self-knowledge alone is the means to the highest bliss.” And knowing this, shouldn’t we leave behind all the pity worries of the world and enjoy this rain of blissful knowledge everyday? As Lao Tzu says “Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force. Mastering the self requires strength.” And then shouldn’t we bask everyday in the glory of this wisdom and muster our own self mastery strength?
So now, let’s walk on this self journey together and remember to master our inner self first.
Suggested Readings:
Many thanks Rubal.
writer’s block is true:|
Oh yes Rubal. It is true. I felt it today.
It was extremely difficult for me to complete and write the coherent post of today. I felt choked and frustrated.
And I can’t tell from which point I started writing the post and where I ended. The end product is totally different from the original start-up.
But the biggest result is the completion of this post which I started in utter darkness and felt lightened after completing it today.
Many thanks to you for connecting and appreciating the efforts, I look forward to meeting you soon.
Blessings and best wishes 🙂
Good post ma’am 🙂
So true and you have written it so well ma’am.
Ma’am, it seems you are on the path of enlightenment.
Many thanks Abhijeet for your words of praise.
Many thanks for appreciating the efforts.
It is difficult for me to say on which path I am but I can say that it is enlightening for me to find something meaningful and beautiful everyday.
Stay connected and blessings to you always 🙂
Ma’am, this was really the most difficult post to write, but u did a fantastic job (y) .
Yes, I too believe that communication with self is very important.
We cannot lie and misunderstood ourselves.
Self communication gives the best possible solution for our problems.
Self communication promises positive growth to inner strength.
Many thanks Prashant.
The biggest challenge is to deal with the internal sources of interference within us like (ego, prejudice, biases, close mindedness, anger, too much thinking etc) which do not allow us to listen to our own voices and problems and as a result we fail to understand what bothers us. Therefore listening to the self and communication with the self is too important for all of us.
You are absolutely right that Self communication indeed facilitates growth of our inner strength. So, stay connected with the self.
With best of my wishes and blessings!
~~~ The inner controls the outer being~~~ 🙂 🙂
Very well said. Ironically we all think and follow the other way round.
Only if we could control the inner being, we all could manage the outer things so well.
Many thanks and stay blessed always 🙂
Undoubtedly mastering our inner self is key .
It is said “आत्मैव ही आत्मनो बन्धुः आत्मैव रिपु: आत्मनः” i.e. “you are your friend as well as enemy” .
Once we are in control of our self, we become our best friend.
Well quoted Shloka Shatrughna.
Keep sharing such Shlokas which enlighten us with new insights. These Shlokas, heavenly loaded with meaning give a new spiritual freshness which we so much miss in our day to day life.