Ek onkar

I did not know what it meant to be in a state of Ek onkar until my dearest friend explained and defined it so well to me.

Absorbed when you are, when you forget the very sense of time and place and become one with your work, with your surrounding, in that very moment, you are one with the lord, in one with the cosmos, in one with the universe,  in one with the self, in one with thoughtlessness, in one with peace, in one with bliss, you are, in that very state of –ek onkar.

There cannot be a better meditation than this. Only if, we can practice it every day and every minute.

Today, when you sit to work on any project, write a document, talk to someone, go to market or engage in any work or may be when you not do anything, just be there, where you are.

Forget worries and anxieties for sometime, if you have any.  I know it is easier said than done. The unexpected, the uncertain always call for their attention. But, do they need immediate attention and that to so much? If the answer comes in a negation.  Then, just be there, where you are. Do one thing at a time.

Stretch this absorption and state of calmness gradually to your full day, to all spheres of your life where it blankets you, and then, you would just be where you are, not in the past, not in the future, but just be there, where you should be, where you must, in that very moment, with the moment and in the moment itself.

You would be, be, in that state of ek onkar!


God bless!


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