In Conversation with the Mother!

For long I was in conversation with the self, asking what to write today.

No answer came.

I tried to listen to the voice inside, could not listen, because of turmoil in my own mind.

Trying to find, what I want for today, a subject, a topic, something which will make sense to you, when I write.

My eyes fell on the book kept nearby. For today, some of the messages from the Mother, for you!

Read them slowly. May be 4 to 5 times and relate to them. See what meaning do they bring to you. Savour them in your heart and in your mind, water them everyday and see how they bloom the flowers of love and wisdom inside you with constant monitoring and invigilation.  

Here are few questions that I asked in Conversation with the Mother and answers that I found from her.

Where is the true being, a divinity inside us?

“A fire is burning there, in the deep quietude of the heart. It is the divinity in you-your true being. Hear its voice, follow its dictate. ” (Pg. 1)

What is the psychic being? Why should we know this?

“In the depths of your consciousness is the psychic being, the temple of the Divine within you. This is the centre round which should come about the unification of all these divergent parts, all these contradictory movements of your being. Once you have got the consciousness of the psychic being and its aspirations, these doubts and difficulties can be destroyed. It takes more or less time, but you will surely succeed in the end. Once you have turned to the Divine, saying “I want to be yours”,  and the Divine has said, “Yes”, the whole world cannot keep you from it.” (Pg. 7)

Can our intellect become a hindrance in our own growth?

“The intellect that believes too much in its own importance and wants satisfaction for its own sake, is an obstacle to the higher realisation.” (Pg. 33)

How do we become strong? 

“The quieter you are, the stronger you become. The firm basis of all spiritual power is equanimity. You must not allow anything to disturb your poise: you can then resist any kind of attack.” (Pg. 34)

What is Divine love?

“Love, the eternal force, has no clinging, no desire, no hunger for possession, no self-regarding attachment; it is, in its pure movement, the seeking for union of the self with the Divine, a seeking absolute and regardless of all other things.” (Pg. 70)

Conversations of Yoga, The Mother

I am in conversation with her, finding answers for myself. Wish me Good luck!




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