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Hi All,
I am back. Thanks for pushing me to complete this post. Without your blessings and support, I wouldn’t have been able to complete it. Thus, my ineffable thanks go to you all.
So what this post is all about? Thanks. No. Not this time. It’s about problems and challenges in life.
They are inevitable and unavoidable. If I say, they are a must in life; it would not be a false statement. They come to us no matter where we are and what we do. We just cannot escape them. They can be financial, personal, professional or spiritual, health related or related with family matters. They appear either one at a time or may appear in combination of two or more than two.
They love chasing us and we love running from them. They make us play peek-a-boo with them. Though, with a playful attitude, we can win the game faster, but you know, to bring that attitude in oneself is the toughest task. Ask me, I have been learning it very hard.
Interestingly, when life through these challenges and problems takes us on a roller coaster ride, believe me, we do not enjoy the ride at all, we are fearful all the way, as I did, on and off every day. The ride looks too tough, too long and too exhausting. I too have been on such a ride and thus the post got delayed.
So here are some of the things that we could do to remain positive in tough situations in life. I have been trying to follow some of these, some work for me and some doesn’t. So, know what works for you. Take note of them today. Who knows tomorrow we may be sailing in the same boat solving the life’s riddle together.
1. Try to take hold of the situation. I know it is one of the toughest things to do. We react more and respond less. Instead of understanding the root cause of the problem, we all start blaming and over reacting in such situations. However, we must ensure that instead of making mountain out of a mole hill and getting carried away by the effects of the situation, we must try to find out the root cause of the problems.
It may take a little time in fixing up the challenge and therefore having ‘patience’ and ‘mind like water’ will come as the greatest of keys to unlock the case and rescue us from such situations. Being reactive and impulsive will not sort out the issue, instead it may aggravate the case. Unfortunately our training in being patient is little too less. Hence, we should train ourselves to be proactive problem solver. And see how we can solve the challenges in the best possible way, making it a win-win for all.
2. Sharing problems lesson half the burden. One of the first things that we could do is to share our problems and challenges with our friends, parents or spouses depending on the case and situation. We need to share it with the person(s) who could give us the best advise and if the situation is more serious and grim then professionals must be consulted without any further delay. A good listening will make us feel more comfortable and confident about the entire situation and we will be in a better position to handle the challenge.
When we share our problems and challenges with the concerned people, most of the times, they too have their own stories and experiences to share which give us strength and wisdom to deal with the challenge in better and positive way.
In fact sharing problems and spending time with friends and going out with them can make us feel better and stay positive amidst difficult situations.
3. Asking right set of questions. This is important. Life takes its own turns. No matter how prepared we are and how much planning we do, when life takes us on bumpy roads, we just have to move on it. Slowing down the pace will allow us to ask better and important questions such as: what can we learn from this situation? How could we find solutions to the problem? What are our strengths and weaknesses? How could we resolve the issue? Whom can we approach for help and guidance? What meaning does this situation has for us?
These questions will help us to find their answers rather than worrying and fretting and fuming and going into stressful situation.
4. Setting positive attitude. When we are in a negative situation, we are all set to be intimidated by negative feelings, emotions, fears and false belief. We keep on thinking about the worst case scenario and find ourselves stuck in the mire of negativity. The more we try to come out, the deeper dug into negativity we feel. So, it is important that we set out positive attitude meter and try to find out the positive in the every dire situation. We can always choose our attitude. After all, Attitude is Everything.
5. Writing down the negative thoughts and express gratitude. Since the negative thoughts blanket us quite quickly, we need to uncover ourselves either by sharing them with the right people or writing down all the things and problems that cause us to worry. This will give us some peace of mind and we will be able to trace all the negative emotions into quick succession and see how we link up the things and find the root cause of the problems.
Also, once we unbottle our negative emotions and feelings, we can start writing and counting our blessings. No matter how tough and hard the situation may be, we always have something or someone to be grateful for. We must start thanking them and expressing our gratitude to all of them.
6. Try to get a perspective of the situation. Many a times we look at the problem with magnifying glass which makes the problem look too big for us. We just worry and unnecessarily exaggerate the issue and as a result miss the tasks which need our more attention and action. So, it is better to have a perspective on the problem. Just like when we see the things from far off, the problems look too small and too insignificant. It is just that we make them look to big by repeatedly talking and discussing about them. If possible, after finding out the root-cause, we should focus our attention and concentration on asking if the problem will matter after five years from now onwards? If no, then why to discuss it for such a longer duration.
7. Engage in meaningful work. When we are in a negative situation, we all talk and think and dream the same things again and again. It is important at such times to engage meaningfully in the work which gives us fulfilment and makes us feel happy. It could be cooking, gardening, reading, writing, painting, dancing, teaching or any other meaningful task. Taking out time to dress impressively can uplift the mood in a significant way. So try to find ways to creatively express yourself.
8. Try to do good things for others. It may sound hard in the tough times but we can always do little good things for others. Help someone else, or your own family members, neighbours, kids, friends or relatives and least you could do is ask about their well being. You will get their blessings at least.
9. Mediate and try being mindful. Meditation and exercising have positive impact on our mind and body. We must take out time to connect with our inner selves and do it on regular basis. Practised even for a minute, it can have positive impact on your entire well being. Amidst tough times, it can work as real battery charger.
Moreover, being mindful allows us to focus on the present moment rather than thinking about the past and future. This we must practice. Being present in the moment and enjoying it to its fullest extent is just like being in eternity.
10. Practice happiness. Yes, it may sound strange but interestingly we too can practice happiness like any other skill.
11. Read a good book or biography. Reading books of such people who have surmounted many obstacles gives us inspiration and motivation to keep going despite hardships and challenges. And when we look at their challenges, our problem looks nothing in their front.
13. Go for a walk. Spending some time in the nearby park, looking at blooming flowers and green tress, butter flies and honey bees can have magical impact upon our mind, body and soul. Along with this, we could try playing with kids. Giggling and laughing with them. This will help us to change our focus to their wonderful outer world.
14. Listen to favorite music. Listening to our favorite music or tapping our feet to the dance both have power to uplift our mood and rejuvenate our soul . Important is to divert our attention from negative to something engaging and meaningful. Music has that power to create such magic.
15. Let go and try to be non-judgemental. It is difficult to follow and practice, but one of the best skills to master. Forget and forgive and feel the magic. Most of the times we put label on people and judge them, but at times it is perfectly alright to be non-judgemental and do not judge people and situations and accept them the way they are and the way they come. Words of Mother Teresa can guide us here “If we judge people, we will have no time to love them.”
16. Keep faith in God. It would not be incorrect to say that the real test of our faith is at the time when we are in deep waters and life looks hard. Moving a days looks difficult and finding a way out looks impossible. But it during these times our faith is tested. Remember what Rabindranath Tagore said, “Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.” So keep moving with faith and miracle will take place.
These were some of the ways which I tried out and still trying out, I am sure you too must have been in such a situation and have overcome it through some ways. What were they? Share. It always feels great to hear from you!