Change: “Change is inevitable. Change is axiomatic. Change is unavoidable. No matter how hard we try, change is bound to enter into door of our lives.“ When it comes as we … Continue Reading →
Holi: Wishing Colourful Ecstasies
Splashed in the hues of celestial energies, magnificence of the self, such be the moments today, where the celebrations through cuisines, screens, sprays, music, dance, prayers and plays; absorb the … Continue Reading →
Princess of Kashi
If something works for you, you believe in it. That’s how it is. You trust the process. Your faith is deepened. Not mere words, experiences with subtle difference. Absorb these … Continue Reading →
The image is sharp in my mind. Word volatile. Master shared it long time back. Google search unveiled the word-Kintsugi, I was looking for. A quick browsing led to book … Continue Reading →
Stay Tuned
Should I continue writing or not? The voices in my head have been speaking for a long now. They make a perfect debate case. For and against, as if in … Continue Reading →
The breeze freeze in the morning when the spine chilling cold just make us unmovable. The coziness comforts grabbing a cup of tea, giving warmth and energy to work in … Continue Reading →
Wishing the Bestest 2020
Social media, news papers, channels, face to face interactions, messages, calls, all are colored and peppered with new year greetings and best wishes. Just another day. A new day. A … Continue Reading →
We are That!
There are countless names of God and Goddesses. Each one has a meaning. A story. A purpose. A revelation. Meditate on any name. Absorb its meaning. Transcend your self. Become … Continue Reading →
Until ?
Every morning promises possibilities. Possibilities to experience the unseen and unknown. An inner resistance sprouts when we want the things to happen in a specific way, easiness flows when we … Continue Reading →
Realization in here and now!
Each one of us, without exception, is unconditionally blessed with intuition. The inner sight of knowing, of vision, of finding. It is the inner light that guides, shows the path, … Continue Reading →
What the Voice Says…
In the stillness of the heart, that voice resonates. The voice says, each breath, each pain, each joy, each cry, each talk, each walk, all without exception lead infalliably to … Continue Reading →