Change: “Change is inevitable. Change is axiomatic. Change is unavoidable. No matter how hard we try, change is bound to enter into door of our lives.“ When it comes as we … Continue Reading →
Embrace whatever comes with faith
There are subtle forces that dominate the universe. The negative and the positive both. What you are experiencing is not because there are evil forces or negative energies that influence, … Continue Reading →
Master Spoke
“Whatever it is known or unknown, we have to take action. Known brings confidence, unknown– thrill and excitement. Your involvement into work would demand deep levels of thinking and energy. … Continue Reading →
Subtle Queries
Dorjee recently joined an architect to work with. He had to work on building a mansion. The nature of work and difficulty level was much beyond his understanding. While he … Continue Reading →
Unfolding of…
He was seeking something. What? He himself didn’t know. The quest was intense though. The intangibility of those feelings and emotions kept him hooked for a week. He worked on … Continue Reading →
In That Direction
A letter from his home was kept on the table. The room looked messy and in topsy-turvy condition. Water spilled on the floor and was unclean. Unlike how he would … Continue Reading →
Her Diary
When your quest is intense and severe, your answers are revealed in constant flashes. Aum couldn’t understand the meaning of this quote when he was turning the pages and found … Continue Reading →
A New Day …
Whirling of the fan was prominent in his room. It was still pitch dark. No sound and movement was fathomable at this moment. He was awake though. Aum checked his … Continue Reading →
Bidding Adieu
Today was their last day at Bramhali. How these months passed, it was difficult for them to imagine now. For the purpose and mission, for which they had come, they … Continue Reading →
Wind Chimes
Sleep seem to have captivated him. His alarm was ringing and every time he snoozed. Despite self reminders, he couldn’t wake up. For the entire week his hectic schedule kept … Continue Reading →
“It is your easiness and laughter that matters most in the moments of indecisiveness. An inner voice says to procrastinate what you have been assigned or working on, and then … Continue Reading →